Hell yes. You found my Substack. Welcome to Wrathos, my epic dark fantasy multiverse of feminine rage. There’s a lot to cover. It is a multiverse, after all. So, turn on your favorite playlist, grab your comfiest hoodie, and prepare for (worthwhile) information overload.

Four universes of suppressed goddesses, their wrath echoed through every realm, timeline, and hero.

In 2009, I sat next to a stack of weathered journals filled with monsters. I was eleven, and naturally, my imagination ran as haywire as my youth. I was shy, quiet, but in those journals — I was alive.

Now, 14 years later, a stack of journals became an interlinking web of universes. Infinite stories with infinite magic and bound together by the emotional thread of my lyrical writing style.

I have always known I’m meant to publish stories. For some time, I didn’t know exactly what that would look like, but since I published my epic fantasy debut, For Mist and Tar, in 2022, it’s all finally started to come together.

Building Wrathos is no joke. It requires hours and hours of endless plotting (devious and otherwise). Not to mention, asking YOU to understand what I’m trying to do is no small feat. Many authors publish within universes.

I will publish within four. Thus — a multiverse.

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Each universe within Wrathos will be rooted in feminine rage, include a variety of magic systems, from-scratch otherworlds, and “eras”.

Wrathos is divided into cataclysmic eras. Currently, I write within the Era of Awakening. Across the realms, queens are awakening with the powers of FURY, FATE, TIME, LOVE, and DEATH.

A multiverse is a tough concept to swallow, which is why I developed the eras. By focusing on one era at a time, you will have a beautifully laid out guide to Wrathos.

Introducing The Weekly Wrath: one free newsletter a week to my Substack subscribers that focuses on:

  • reading order

  • my writing process/progress

  • upcoming releases

  • free bonus content

  • overarching lore development

The books I will release for the next few years will focus on the Era of Awakening. You will receive the origin stories of each queen, and multiverse lore will expand the more of my books you read. My debut, For Mist and Tar, begins your journey in a grimdark epic realm starved of magic.

Popular Kindle Reader Highlights: "For Mist and Tar"

All of my books are currently available on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited.

So, are you ready to subscribe? The Weekly Wrath could be yours. Not to mention, I have some amazing reader opportunities coming very, very soon…

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Looking For How to Start Reading Wrathos? Try this article which features the recommended reading order:

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Amazon #1 Bestselling author of WRATHOS, an epic dark fantasy multiverse of feminine rage.