For Blood and Flame

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CONTENT WARNING: “For Blood and Flame” is the most excruciatingly beautiful thing I have ever written. This story is not meant to be swallowed but choked down. I genuinely hope it tears your heart apart in all the cruelly extraordinary ways it did mine — if only so I have someone to discuss it with.


To those who understand a woman’s silence is her fury, and that a fictional character’s death is as painful as reality, but you’re not only willing to endure both Fury and Death—

You came here searching for them. Let us burn together.

Lastly, to the pieces of myself left between the pages, may you rest in peace.

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Last updated on 3/10/24 at 9:28 am PST

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Everything You Need to Know About The Epic Finale to a Realm Starved of Magic

For Blood and Flame is the epic, grimdark conclusion to my Alchemight Duology and the 5th book in my multiverse of feminine rage, Wrathos. If you’re new around here, hi! My name is Jinapher, and I’ve built Wrathos since 2010. I launched my debut fantasy book, For Mist and Tar, back in 2022. It’s the first book in this duology.

Haven’t read For Mist and Tar yet? First, go to this post where I give you the recommended reading order for Wrathos. After, head to my shop page to grab your copies. All of my books are available in eBook, Paperback, and Kindle Unlimited.

The above are new covers! I will be updating “For Mist and Tar” by 1/23/24. If you want the current cover with the spideria, grab it in paperback before then.

“As stolen power fuels the fires of an impending war, the paths of Fury and Death hurtle toward an inevitable collision, forging the destiny of Alchemight itself.” — For Blood and Flame

This book is a massive tipping point in Wrathos and the darkest book I’ve ever written. Take the darkness in For Mist and Tar (as well as the feminine rage) and raise it by a thousand. Never in my life have I been so broken and simultaneously made whole by a book, especially not one I’ve written myself.

I haven't read "For Mist and Tar"

If we hit 15,000 Subscribers, here’s how it will work:

  • For Blood and Flame will first be sent to ARC reviewers on my street team, Wrathos Visionaries. They will get the eARCs one week before everyone else. If you’re interested in joining the Visionaries, just tap that purple link for instructions. It’s free!

  • After that first week with my Visionaries, For Blood and Flame will release to all Wrathos Books Subscribers in eBook, Paperback, and Stamped Hardcover.

Thanks for reading Wrathos Books! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.

What You Get When You Subscribe to Wrathos Books For Free

Each week, I pop into your inbox on Sundays to deliver a newsletter called The Weekly Wrath packed full of useful information. Sometimes, it’s a release announcement, like the one that will be sent for For Blood and Flame. Most Sundays, however, I don’t have a new book releasing, so I like to send you bonus content. These are some examples (and the most popular with my readers…

This companion short story to For Blood and Flame is free to Wrathos Books Subscribers:

I LOVE to participate in free eBook days for my readers! Most recently, I participated in Stuff Your Kindle Fantasy Edition. Over 13,000 copies of For Mist and Tar were grabbed! Being subscribed means being alerted of amazing deals like this one:

I’m a bit of a nerd, and lucky for me, so are many of my readers. So, when given a chance to a deep dive into the Alchemight magic system, I took it! Here’s the first guide I did for my subscribers, which includes my own narration so you can hear me, the author, fully walk you through it.

The Alchemight Duology is epic fantasy, and book one, For Mist and Tar, does have complex world building, but I didn’t want any reader to feel dettered. So if epic fantasy goes over your head but you want to read these books, I hope this guide can be of use to you:

Why a Paid Subscription May Be Worth It For You:

I also offer paid subscriptions through my newsletter, where I will send special bonus content in exchange for $5/month. This paid subscription includes (and will expand):

  • Wrathos Lust: One bonus spicy scene between 1,000-5,000 words per month.

  • All Wrathos Lore: A vault of all exclusive Lore and future behind-the-scenes content (this is still in production)

  • Exclusive WIP Updates: Paid subscribers will get weeks of bonus behind-the-scenes content before anyone else does.

  • First Looks: See covers (even help vote on them), summary reveals, and character art before everyone else.

A paid sub is also super beneficial to me as a small indie author. Maybe none of those perks I listed are for you, but you’re just excited for my next release and want to send me 5 bucks a month to keep me writing. Upgrading to paid is a great way to do that and very, very appreciated! <3

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