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Looking For the Sequel to For Mist and Tar and Book 5 in Wrathos: For Blood and Flame?

You can add For Blood and Flame on GoodReads to show your interest, but BE WARNED — the summary contains spoilers to book one, For Mist and Tar.

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You can also find all updates regarding For Mist and Tar and For Blood and Flame right here.

The Importance of a Written Review (Even If I Don’t Look At Them)

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I stay out of reviewer spaces. This is not only to protect my mental health but to protect your right to critically analyze my work without judgement if you so please. Written reviews, especially when left on Amazon, will help boost my books in their algorithm.

While I may not personally look at my reviews, other readers do! Many readers shop purely based on both positive and critical reviews. When writing your review (if you’re unsure what to write), just speak on how the book made you feel while reading. Feel free to go deeper, but if you’re just looking to help me out with a sentence or two, that’s totally fine.

Just know that reviews are never mandatory or expected, but they are always greatly appreciated!